once he spawns, just nuke / throw dmg at him. then his soul spawns, throw dmg at that, ignore the other things that spawns, it gives u like 20 secs. once hes back to normal, pull out, kill the archers around him, do the same over and over again.
Once u do dmg the soul, and he transforms back, to normal. and u kill the normal again, the dmg u did before on the soul stays the same, so hes kill-able ( the soul never respawns with full health basicly, if u did dmg before )
gl ( hope u get what i tried to xplain lol )
( oh if ur like 60dp, kill the archers, pull out, wait for full energy / rezz party members, then go for fendi )
Last edited by Kyoko Onishi; Sep 01, 2007 at 08:00 AM // 08:00..